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Why Your Mascara Is Flaking & How To Fix It

Why Your Mascara Is Flaking & How To Fix It

Why Your Mascara Is Flaking & How To Fix It

I know we’ve all had this problem. You get the dark rings under your eyes half way through the day, and you wonder how it happened. You get closer look and it’s tiny little flakes of your mascara that have fallen onto your face. Not cool! Assuming you’re not going for the raccoon look… how do you fix it?

Well there are a couples things that could be going wrong. Ask yourself these questions, and you should be able to find yourself a solution.

#1:  Is your mascara dry?

Okay.. Be honest. How long has that mascara been sitting in your makeup drawer? I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to this. I often try to hold onto mascara for months and months, but did you know that mascara actually isn’t meant to last that long? You’re supposed to replace it once every 3 months!

As your mascara ages, it dries out. This is often the source of the problem when it comes to flaky mascara. You’ll know this is the cause if your mascara didn’t use to flake all over your face but has been doing so more recently. Just replace it!

#2: What type of mascara are you using?

Mascaras aren’t all made the same. Some are just plain bad. So if you’re using the wrong kind, then that could definitely be the source of your issue. Lengthening mascara is the most prone to flaking. I know you want to add that volume and length to your lashes, but sometimes that comes at a price (and I’m not talking about money here). Also, mascaras that contain microfibers can also be prone to flaking. So next time you go to the store, just pay attention to what type of mascara you’re buying.

Try mascara primer if you really need that extra lash help

#3: Do you really need that extra help in the volume/length department?

If you really need that extra help and the other mascaras just aren’t cutting it, then you should give a mascara primer a try. They seem a little unintuitive, especially once you open one up (they’re white!), but they really work. And they usually help prevent against flaking while still giving you that extra volume.

#4: Are you using too much mascara?

A lot of times we apply coats and coats and coats of mascara in the hopes that it’ll add more volume. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. Kinda just depends on which one you’re using. If this is you, pay attention to how much you’re applying. You might only need 2-3 coats or less. Piling on the mascara is another big cause of flakiness.

If you only apply a coat or two and still have flaking, you might try scraping of some of the mascara off of the brush. A lot of times mascara tends to clump on the brush, and you might be applying more than you think!

Hope this post helped y’all! Happy Tuesday! Can it be Friday already…..?

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