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What To Apply First In Your Makeup Routine

What To Apply First In Your Makeup Routine

What To Apply First In Your Makeup Routine There’s definitely some debate on this subject, and everyone does things different. By no means am I trying to change what you do. I just want to give you some ideas that you might not have thought about before. Or maybe you’re just wanting to mix things up. Either way, I’ve got some tips for you.

Apply Your Eyeshadow Before Your Foundation To Avoid Fallout

Apply your eyeshadow BEFORE your foundation

This is one that I don’t really follow most of the time, and it’s not because I think it’s a bad idea but mostly because I just forget. This is actually a pretty smart thing to do most of the time. Think about it.. You do your eyeshadow and what happens? You get lots of fallout. Sometimes you might even get those dark raccoon looking circles under your eyes from your dark eyeshadow. No one likes that look, unless you’re supposed to be a raccoon for Halloween maybe… If you take this approach then after you apply your eyeshadow, it’s very easy to clean up any fallout or even clean up lines from your eyeliner.

This is an approach that a lot of people take, but one thing I don’t like about it is that if you take your eyeshadow far out from your eyelid like the makeup shown above, then I find that it’s much harder to apply your foundation without screwing up your eyeshadow.

Apply Concealer After Foundation To Maximize Concealer Effect

Apply your concealer AFTER your foundation

This probably isn’t one that you’ve heard before, and whether you can do it or not really depends on your the shade of your concealer vs the shade of your foundation. I actually attribute this tip to my best friend Kaley! I’d seen her apply concealer after her foundation many times and thought I would try it.

The nice thing about applying concealer after your foundation is that you’re much less likely to smudge it out of place, especially if it’s of the liquidy variety. When you apply concealer before your foundation, then many times you’ll move it around with your foundation brush and it’s almost like you didn’t even apply it in the first place! Try it out, and let me know what you think 🙂

Always Do Your Eyebrows Last

Always do your eyebrows LAST

I don’t know that I’ve really heard this tip from anyone but I’ve seen lots of YouTube videos where girls do their eyebrows first thing, and I’ve never had any success with that. It always gets messed up when I apply my foundation – not that I’m applying foundation to my eyebrows but somehow it always seems to catch. So save yourself the trouble and do your eyebrows last! It’ll be a lot easier to get that clean line.

Hope y’all enjoyed this post. If you have anymore ordering tips, feel free to leave them in the comments below!

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