An Honest Makeup and Beauty Blog

7 Tips for More Natural Looking Makeup

7 Tips for More Natural Looking Makeup

tips for more natural look

One complaint a lot of people have with makeup is that it looks unnatural. And while that certainly can be true, it doesn’t have to be! Here are some quick and easy tips for more natural looking makeup!

Tip # 1

Use concealer! The trick is to use it carefully. Use concealer to cover up those problem areas, so that way, you aren’t using loads of foundation to do what concealer can do with much less product. When using concealer, you’ll want to make sure that you’re not caking it on. Less is really more – you’ll be surprised what you can cover up with so little (at least if you’re using a good concealer). I’d recommend the UD Naked Skin Concealer. Once it’s applied, (if you got a good color match) it almost looks like your skin and feels like it too!

Nice and simple design for the Naked Concealer
Naked Skin Concealer

Tip # 2

Use less foundation. Most people don’t actually need to use much foundation at all. Start out will a little, because you can always add more later. I’d recommend using just one pump and applying that around your entire face. Then if you feel like you need more, you can add another pump or even just a half pump. These days, I find that I really only need a pump to a pump and a half! You’re foundation will look a lot better if it’s not caked on your face.

Tip # 3

Use bronzer to bring back the natural color of your face. Foundations, although they do a great job at evening out skin tone, also do a great job at making your face look unnaturally one color. Natural skin has lots of color, so use bronzer to bring back some color into the hollows of your cheeks, your temples, and your jawline. (Check out my tips on what to look for in a bronzer here).


Tip # 4

Blush blush blush! I cannot stress enough how important it is to use blush. I mean really! The natural flush to the human face is beautiful and your foundation will cover it up. Blush brings that beautiful pink toned color back to the skin, and one of the best things about blush is that you can change it up with different tones to match your makeup! Just make sure that you don’t apply your blush to the apples of your cheeks. (You can learn more about how to apply blush properly here).

Tip # 5

Pencil back in beauty marks such as freckles. This is a tip that I don’t personally use, even though I know I should.. (I’m just lazy haha). For the most part, unless you’re covering up with concealer, foundations won’t cover up freckles entirely. Instead you’ll just get this faded out brown that I can’t even really describe. Penciling back in those features makes your face looks less “made up”.

Tip # 6

Browns! Use lots and lots of browns instead of those “blackest black products”. You know what I’m talking about – eyeliners, mascaras, etc. Using browns on your face is a lot less harsh and a lot more natural looking.

Tip # 7

Avoid the cat eye. It really pains me to say this one! If you read my blog, you know how much I love a cat eye! I can hardly do my makeup without doing one (you can call me obsessed…. and yes that was a reference from the song “Jealous” haha). Cat eyes are beautiful, and personally, I think they add a lot to a look. But, what they add is definitely not natural. If you’re like me and find it hard to stray from your everyday cat eye, I’d recommend using some neutral, matte eyeshadows for your crease and outer corner and then taking a smudge brush and take a medium to dark brown eyeshadow to line half of your upper lash line (from the outer corner to the middle of the eye). Add the eyeshadow of your choice to your lid and you’re good to go! This gives you that darkness behind your lashes that looks really nice without having that harsh black line from liquid liner.

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