An Honest Makeup and Beauty Blog

5 Things to Consider When Buying Makeup


There are so many things to consider when buying makeup. What’s your skin tone? What type of skin do you have? Let me make it easy for you. Here’s everything you need to know!

Your Skin

Especially for foundation, you want to make sure you’re getting the right kind of foundation. They come in powders, creams, and liquid. And not all foundations are created equal. Do you have dry skin? Do you have oily skin? Pay attention to what kind of skin your makeup is made for!

Also, does it have SPF? Are you worried about protecting your skin? If you’re not, then should you be? Protecting your skin from the too much exposure to harmful UV rays can be relatively easy if you look for the right things.

Urban Decay Naked Skin Swatch


Well first of all. What are you buying? Eyeshadow? Foundation? It’s pretty obvious that the color of your foundation matters, but seriously! It does. Pay attention to the shade of the color you see in the bottle. Compare that shade to your neck and your arms. That will give you a good idea as to whether or not that foundation is for you.

If you’re buying eyeshadow, then you might think that color doesn’t matter as much. In other words, you might just buy colors of eyeshadow that you like, but you should really think about the colors before you buy them.

Do you have a shade that’s similar? If you do, then it might not be worth it to buy another one. Does the color really match your skin tone? This is a big one. Different colors complement different skin and eye colors. (That sort of bleeds into the next thing, so keep reading!)


This is definitely related to color. The color of your makeup has a tone and so does your skin. You don’t want those to clash, or it’s not going to look as good as it could!

If you’re rocking brown eyes, then you should stick to nice warm, golden colors. That will bring out the warmness in your eyes! Brown has lots of red tones, so stay away from those cool, ashy colors.

If you’ve got brown eyes and blond hair or brown hair and light eyes, then you’re lucky! You should be able to get away with more than the rest of us! You don’t want to go too much with either extreme, but you can get away with warm and cool makeup. (Just not at the same time!)

If you’ve got blue eyes, then you should probably stay with shades that are on the neutral to cool side of things. Those cool colors will bring out your eyes.

Green eyes tend to be on the warm side, so use your best judgement. Warmer is better. In general.

Drugstore vs High End Makeup


This is kind of a given, but some brands are known for certain types of products and aren’t the best for other types.

Like Revlon. Their ColorStay foundation? Ah-MAZING. But their eyeshadows? Well let’s just say that I haven’t had any luck yet. I also love their lipsticks, but I’m not a huge fan of the mascaras.

Urban Decay? Love, love, love their eyeshadows. But I don’t usually go to them for much else. (Although, I definitely love their Naked Skin Concealer…)

And as far as price is concerned. Well, that goes along with the brand in some sense, but some things are worth spending extra on, while some aren’t. You can check out this post for more of the debate on High End Makeup vs Drugstore Makeup! It’s super helpful, I promise 🙂

Shelf Life

We don’t generally think about makeup expiring, but it actually does! If your makeup is irritating you and it’s a little older, then it could be expired! When you consider the shelf life of makeup, think about how much you already have. If you’ve got 3 foundations at home, then do you really need another? Unless it does something super fancy, you probably don’t. Because chances are you won’t even get to use it before it goes bad on you.

Hopefully these tips helped! If you’ve got any more to add, please post a comment about it below 🙂

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